Contact Us

Contact details aimsigh at gmail dot com


  1. Hello !

    We are 6D class. We are part of the etwinning Garden Project "How does your garden grow ?".
    We are 11/12 years old. We are in Paul Langevin school, in Etupes, in Franche-Comté, in the north-east of France.

    We are 24 pupils. How many pupils are there in your class ?

    What is the name of your school ?

    Do you have a uniform ?

    Where is your school ?

    Bye ! Bye ! See you soon !

    Class of 6D

  2. Hi Class 6D
    I have posted an image of my students and some activities for you on our communal project area on the eTwinning website

  3. Hi,
    Greetings from St Charles Borromeo Primary School in Melbourne, Australia.
    Great work with your blog.
    I had not realised that you could embed Scratch projects until I stumbled across your blog - thanks for that idea.

    1. Hi Frank,
      Many thanks for your kind words. The enbed code for Scratch has been available for over a year now.
      Have you visited ? It's a collaboration between Google and Scratch and has some engaging activities for students starting to code.
